The Pit Bull Bible Online APBT Database

Searching for Breedings

This link should be selected if want to find a particular breeding in the Database (be it your own or someone else’s). As before, the Searchdbreeding.php page is quite simple to use, and there are only a few fields to fill out:

There are basically 2 Ways to Search for a Breeding: 1) Direct Search and 2) Filtered Search

  1. 1. Using the Direct Search: Using the Direct Search (on the left, above) is very straightforward: you either enter in the Breeding ID#, or click on a Favorite (if you have one), and then Click the “Go to Breeding” Button;
  2. 2. Using the Filtered Search: Using the Filtered Search (on the right, above) is just about as straightforward: you just filter the Breeding Database by sire, dam, breeder, whether the breeding was made by you or not, if they’re for sale or not, etc., and then you click the “Submit” Button.

To show how this feature works, I am going to enter “Silverback” into the Sire field:

In this example, I merely filtered what breedings I wanted to see off of my own stud, Silverback

After I click “Submit”, I am given a table of all the breedings that have been sired by Silverback. I can see his name on the table as Sire, a list of the bitches he’s been bred to as Dams, as well as what Breeder(s) have bred to him, the Dates of Breedings, etc. If I want to view any of the actual breedings, all I have to do is click on the Breeding ID# on THE LEFT-MOST COLUMN.

Thank you for taking the time to read these instructions IN FULL. Your doing so will not only save me time (by not forcing me to spell-out for you what is already covered here), but it will save you time as well, simply because you will be able to fully-understand and enjoy the full benefits of this Resource right from the get-go. I thank you sincerely for joining today, and if you have any questions not covered here, please post them on this thread. Thanks again!