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  1. #1


    Somehow, I tried to delete a response I gave to a question here, to re-do it, and wound up deleting the entire thread topic itself, which is a damned shame

    But what the hell can a guy do but start over?



  2. #2


    I cant upload pics straight from my device, only from an Url, is their a way that this can be done?

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Jon P. Lebron View Post
    I cant upload pics straight from my device, only from an Url, is their a way that this can be done?
    You can store your photos right here on this Database using the Albums feature:

    Click the bottom-right corner of the video to enlarge so you can see the detail.

    Hope this helps,


  4. #4
    I didn't find Thailand in the list of countrys a day ago when I was putting some dogs up, just a heads up

  5. #5

    Dog of the month

    Seen this on another site awhile back and it seemed like most of the members really got into. Jack I figure since this is a dog site and your into photos this might be something your interested in. Basically have member post pictures either in a category of males, females, pups or just one large group to see who has the best looking dog photos of that group. Let it last all moth with member voting for the best of the group of pictures. The other site offered some kind of small prize but I believe( and I'm speaking for myself here) that just being recognized by other members of the site would be a good prize. Just thought I would put this out there as somethingto thinking about and see if any other member would be interested in

  6. #6
    No one else has any thoughts on this

  7. #7
    I think that would be something similar like The PPB FunDog topic..which in time, won't be fun anymore. I don't think it's going to work unless there's an actual prize or recognition. And with being just how good a dog looks in a photo, I don't think I would care to participate.
    I think if there was something like being recognized as PBB DOY then there will be more participant.
    There are more Dog men on here than photographers.

  8. #8
    I could swear I posted a response here ... but I guess I just thought about it

    We could do something like that, although I can't participate since I only have one doggie now

    As far as tangible prizes go, I think I could do something like that (DVD, Nature's Magic product, etc.)

    Let me think about it ...

  9. #9
    You said if there was something like a PPB DOY what if the winner each month was put up on the site somewhere and at the end of the the year the dogs that won each month could be put against one another for DOY? And far as as more dogmen that photographers... I have seen serveral dogmen with great picots of in shape dogs n here before I see no reason why it would be hard for them to win.

    Jack I was thinking a prize like that would really work to get people involved but wasn't going to suggested it

    Should we do a pole to see if members will take part or should a post be done with this as the topic to see how it does maybe for the month of April( seeing as march is almost over)?

  10. #10
    I dont think OGDOGG meant doy on picture.

    Its always good to see some nice photo's though.

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