The Pit Bull Bible Online APBT Database

The Ultimate Pedigree Database

This database is designed to become the most complete APBT Resource ever. Our aim is too become the greatest peer-governed, paperless APBT historical and informational resource possible, offering both convenience and accountability regarding how our dogs are bred and what they have produced. In order to achieve this goal, you (the user) have to be onboard, you have to know what you’re doing, and you have to enter-in pedigree information completely and correctly. To show how this is possible, and why it will become a reality if we all work together and co-operate, I invite you watch the following video tutorials:

How to Add Dogs to the Database
Please watch these 4 videos IN FULL before doing anything!
You will lose your privileges if you f*** up because you failed to do so!

Click the bottom right corner of the video to make it full screen

We keep our breedings separate from dogs, so please enter your actual breedings in the Breeding Database, not the Dog Database!

How to Add Breedings to the Database
Please watch this video IN FULL before doing anything :)
You will lose your privileges if you f*** up because you failed to do so!

Click the bottom right corner of the video to make it full screen

We also keep our actual breedings separate from our “test” or “theoretical” breedings, so please use our Test Breeding feature for breedings that have not actually happened already.

Using the Test Breeding Feature
Please watch this video IN FULL before doing anything :)
You will lose your privileges if you f*** up because you failed to do so!

Click the bottom right corner of the video to make it full screen

The reason why we ask you to be so meticulous (and complete!) in your data entry is because our *awesome* Bulldog Statistics feature depends on it, and it ties-in our breedings with the level of how each dog has produced!

Bulldog Statistics—Why We ROCK!
Please watch this video IN FULL before doing anything :)
You will lose your privileges if you f*** up because you failed to do so!

Click the bottom right corner of the video to make it full screen

Please watch THE REST of our Database Tutorials HERE before you do anything else!

Thank you for taking the time to watch these videos IN FULL. Your doing so will not only save me time, but it will save you time as well, simply because you will be able to fully-understand and enjoy the full benefits of this Resource right from the get-go. I thank you sincerely for joining today, and if you have any questions not covered in this presentation, please post them on this thread. Thanks again! (Or you can also read the Full Instructions here.)